A picture of a family doing picknik outdoor and playing jengga
Early intervention, lifelong success
What is Early Intervention?

  • Early intervention is the term used to describe the services and support that are available to babies and young children under the age of three years old with developmental delays and disabilities and their families. These services can include special instruction, applied behavioral analysis, and other types of services based on the needs of the child and family. The outcomes of early intervention services are positive and can have a significant impact on a child’s ability to learn new skills, overcome challenges, and increase success in school and life. Get our early intervention services in New York City.
  • The Early Intervention Program is fully funded and regulated through the New York State Department of Health. In New York City, the Early Intervention Program is funded fully by New York State and county governments. All children must be referred to the municipality to access Early Intervention services.
    Eligibility for the early intervention program can be determined by New York State-approved evaluators under contract with the municipality. When a child is found eligible for the early intervention program, all needed early intervention services are identified in collaboration with the parent and must be authorized by the municipality.

    Creative Foundations LLC is an approved New York State provider of Early Intervention services and is under contract with New York City.

How can we access Early Intervention services?

  • Can speak with your child’s pediatrician (Doctor) or primary healthcare provider or call 311 in the New York City area to access Early Intervention services that are free and at no cost for the family. However, health insurance may be accessed for reimbursement for early intervention services to eligible children and their families.
    Early Intervention services are provided in child’s natural environments such as Early head starts, childcare or daycare centers, community based locations or at your home. Early Intervention Program covers the cost of Early Intervention services only. The Early intervention program does not pay for daycare or other fees charged by community settings.

    Early Intervention Process

Our Mission

Creative Foundations LLC is founded on the values of providing collaborative and quality early intervention services to our youngest learners ages 0-3years old regardless of racial, socioeconomic, linguistic, and cultural backgrounds within the New York City area. Our purpose is to provide meaningful instructional services to children under three years of age with developmental delays such as Autism, Down Syndrome, and other physical, emotional, and mental impairments.

Our mission is ensuring o ur young children are receiving transformative and quality services to prepare them for transitioning into preschool programs throughout the five boroughs of New York City. We plan to encompass this mission through implementing collaboration with our parents, families, childcare centers, group family daycare, homeless shelters, and other healthcare providers, to ensure our young children are able to reach their milestones and potential.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where every child, regardless of their abilities or challenges, has the opportunity to reach their full potential. We believe that early intervention is essential to achieving this goal, and we strive to provide high-quality services that support and empower families on their journey toward their child’s development.

Get in Touch

Learn more about how our early intervention services can support your child’s growth and development. Together, we can help your child reach their full potential and achieve success in all areas of life.